Calm Lake kayaking with a
Breeze and a Tsunami
Skaha Lake 2015-03-22

Kathy tried out her new Breeze today on Skaha Lake. The Breeze is the yellow kayak on the right by Current Designs. We enjoyed a short paddle to the dog beach and back. Kathy says her new kayak handles beautifully, very stable tracks nice and the rudder handles like a dream,
In and out of clouds today but mainly sunny this morning during our paddle. Later in the afternoon it clouded over and became windy from the South.

we stopped at the dog beach and took a break, enjoying the sounds of the Redwinged Blackbirds and the other birds singing away in the sunshine.
Here are some shots of the day.
~GuyThaLizard #KAYAKokanagan #Kayaking #Okanagan
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